10114 S. Sheridan Rd
Tulsa, OK 74133
918 - 938 - 0555

Children's Storytime - Thursdays 11am - This is our popular Children's Storytime we hold all year round with Miss Carol Meyer, Tulsa's finest kids entertainer. Carol leads the kids in music and story telling each week for 30 minutes of great active fun for the little ones. We take a break from Thanksgiving Day till New Years Day.
Santa Claus Visit! Saturday December 7th, 9am to 1pm - Santa Claus & Mrs. Claus are visiting the Tulsa Toy Depot on Saturday, December 7th. Bring your own camera and enjoy a relaxed setting to visit with Santa while your family enjoys the toy store and chocolate shop for this free annual neighborhood event.
10am - 6pm
2pm - 6pm